
Location: India

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

When asked at 50...i'll be 50 !

"I refuse as i age to deny my years.
When asked at 30, i'll be 30. When the question comes up at 45, i'll be 45.
For what year could i subtract ? The one in which my son or daughter was born ?
Or the year i first fell in love?
How about the less favourable? Like the one I came down with pneumonia.
Or one of those grief-filled years spent saying good bye to someone close?
Maybe I could choose the seemingly insignificant. The year i saw a falling star?
Or the year spent not enthralled with life , just content with it?
No, i think i'll keep them all, the good years, the bad, and even the not so memorable.
To deny one would be to deny myself.
Because added up, they are my life."

~Shiela B. Cabrera

This was the first quote i had started my diary with , about 15 years back. I just fell in love with it. I think i still am.